Newest Americans

What We Do

Newest Americans produces multimedia stories, gallery and museum exhibits, and public humanities programming about migration and identity. Our work has been screened at film and photography festivals and featured in national print and online publications including National Geographic, Mother Jones and the New York Times.  Our branded web page on The Atlantic features our curated video series State of Migration.

Newest American also develops high school and college curriculum utilizing the media we produce. The curriculum promotes project-based, civically engaged learning. It provides tools for students to research the histories of their own communities and to share their findings in a wide variety of artistic and documentary mediums.

Who We Are

Newest Americans is a multimedia laboratory where visual storytellers, journalists, and artists collaborate with faculty and students to document the stories that radiate from the most diverse university in the nation. Based in Newark, NJ—a city shaped by migration—the project also explores the ways the history of the city informs these contemporary immigrant stories. The project cross-pollinates academic inquiry, public humanities programming, and award-winning media production to generate fresh narratives and insights about our im/migrant past and our demographic future.

Newest Americans is a partnership between the Rutgers Center for Migration and the Global City, VII Photo, and Talking Eyes Media.




4th Floor, Room 422


By appointment only


Kristina Micu

Program Coordinator, Newest Americans

Timothy Raphael

Co-Founder & Director, Newest Americans